(214) 478-6335 OR (214) 701-7622 info@millikensirrigation.com

Spring is the perfect time to fertilize your lawn.

Ah we are all dreaming of lush, green grass in our lawn. To make this happen, you have to weed and feed. Give your lawn its first feeding of fertilizer in the spring when the soil temperature reaches 55 degrees Fahrenheit. You’ll know when the soil warms up to 55 because the lilacs begin to blossom and the grass starts growing. For most of us, that means the first feeding should take place by about mid-April. So if you haven’t started, let’s do this.

Know the Numbers

If you plan on doing this yourself, when you buy fertilizer, you’ll see three numbers on the label. These numbers show the percentage of nitrogen, phosphate, and potassium, respectively. These are the primary nutrients needed to feed your lawn. So a 20-5-10 bag will have 20 percent nitrogen, 5 percent phosphate, and 10 percent potassium. The rest of the bag usually contains filler material that helps ensure an even application. The 20-5-10 mixture is a good basic mix for spring.

Use a Slow-Release With the Right Amount of Nitrogen

Slow-release fertilizers break down their nutrients over a longer period of time, so you can wait longer between applications. With slow-release, you can go every six to eight weeks, depending on your watering, instead of every four weeks.

A slow-release that contains nitrogen but not too much.

The most nitrogen you need on a lawn is one-tenth of a pound per week. The grass can’t get any greener than that. If you use more, you’re only going to make the grass grow faster so you have to mow more often. The secret is to get it as green as possible without growing it fast. Give your lawn between 2 and 3 pounds of nitrogen over the entire growing season. “If you go with 25-0-4, that gives you 1 pound of nitrogen, so over four weeks, that’s a quarter pound per week

Go With Granules

When we apply fertilizer, we spray your entire lawn in an impressively short amount of time. But we do this every day, and know how to factor in the wind and make sure the yard gets even coverage and have the equipment to get the job done right. Homeowners, on the other hand, should use granules and apply them with a spreader.

When you’re spraying, it’s tough for a nonprofessional to get a consistent application across the lawn. To get a free quote for a one-time or extended service package, call us today at  (214) 701-7622.